I thought it would be interesting to post some unique sights that we have seen while we were in Texas.

I have never seen "Texas Longhorn". I have to admit, I'm not sure who was doing more laughing-the people driving by watching me take the picture, Barry and Cheryl waiting in the car-watching me take the picture, or the Longhorn-having its picture taken (if it could laugh).
Does this mean: "Watch for the teeter-totter (see-saw) crossing?"

Only in Texas are you given a warning sign about a Church!

Things are always bigger in Texas...including the bugs...(this is a Cicada and boy are they loud!)

Okay-I got my hair cut-it to the hairdresser 20 mins to cut it and 40 mins to straighten it...much to everyones shock...it only lasted till I showered the next morning...back to curls.
(Although I did ask her NOT to give me big Texas hair! She did have fun though!)
Now onto something more serious.
We are down to our last week of school. Next week is Basic Safety Training Week. It should prove to be interesting. We were really challenged this last week with our views and thoughts towards working with the poor. It made for some very interesting discussions. We will leave Texas on July 18 and head to back to Washington State. Please keep this next week in prayer and our drive ahead of us.
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