Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Gape Aloyi Pt 2..."

As we exited the our wonderfully air conditioned vehicles, we are immediately assaulted by the heat of the morning (and it's only around 10 am or so...).  We did not have time to put on bug spray, sun screen or even have time to grab our water bottles, before we were mobbed by the villagers.  The town continued to greet us with dancing and singing, as we were ushered over to where the chief of the village was waiting for us to meet him.
The chief welcomed us to his village while the priest talked and offered some kind of drink in honour of our arrival, which he purposely spilled it on the ground.
After the welcoming ceremony was done, we followed the chief through the village.
As we passed by this hurd of goats...I knew what we were going to have for lunch.
We gathered in a sheltered area where the town all gathered around.  There were many kinds of dances done in celebration of our coming to the village.
Captain Tim, Mike, Eric, and a few of the other Ex pats sat in the front row...while Sharon, the kids and I sat in the second row.
Not too long after we arrived and were seated, the chief took this one ex pat lady, and Captain Tim around to the side of the shelter.  He then came back and presented them to the community-dressed in African outfits.

The fabric that Captain Tim is wearing is only made by virgin men.  It was a very thick and regal looking fabric.
After more dancing, and more dancing, and yet again, more was our dance.  Now, keep in mind the African people are born with a sense of rhythm.  They dance in the womb, dance while on the ma-ma's back, dance even when they first begin to is in their blood.  So, the only thing to do is swallow your and laugh...and they really laugh at our lack of rhythm.  (I just cannot move my body the way they do without hurting myself!!  =)  )
Mike dancing...
Deb and Sharon dancing...

Alisia dancing...(Joshua was spared the experience)
Me telling Alisia how proud I was of her for trying to dance! (One of my most favorite pictures...)
Anyway...after dancing there were...check in tomorrow for part 3...

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