Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The last two days we have had two other opportunities to present Mercy Ships to different people in the Greater Victoria area.

Yesterday, we met a group of wonderful people from Compassionate Resource Warehouse.  They gather all sorts of resources-medical supplies, hospital equipment, blankets, office supplies, clothing, and sports equipment and ship these items in containers all over the world.  They are an amazing group of people.  They also invited a group of student nurses from Camosun College and their instructor to hear about Mercy Ships.

Today we met with a great group of people from the Lutheran Church-Good Shepherd.  Friends of Deb's parents-Nancy and Franklin- invited us to make a presentation to their Bible study group.  We were blessed with a super time of fellowship.

On another note, Mike had to leave Deb and the kids in Victoria to return to the Bellingham area to be with a cousin who is in the hospital.  Please pray for Mike and his cousin.  We know that God has all things in His hands including our time here in Canada and the US.  (Mike has the laptop-so I am unable to post any pictures until next week....sorry....)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Mike and his cousin. Also wishing I was back on the ship with you Deb. I just felt this connection, and would really like to foster that. Well, I've put my name into the mix for the next outreach, and Hotel Sutherland is always open to your family. Bless you for what you do...
