Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Fred Had a Dream..."

When we were in Togo in 2010, I worked with a day worker by the name of Fred.  Fred would often tell me about a dream that he had-to have a farm where he would grow food and help the community.  Over the last two years, I have often thought about Fred and his farm dream.

Upon returning to Togo, I sought out Fred and one of my first questions I asked him was about his farm.  Fred shared with me how he has managed to start his farm and the new vision he has for the community.  Much to my joy and delight, we went last Saturday to go and see his farm.  What a blessing this day was to me.
Fred serving patients on the ward.
The beginning of the trip, we had to stop at all the small villages to greet the kids and give them a piece of candy.
It amazed us all, how the kids (and the adults) were thrilled to receive one piece of candy.
The first village (about 3 miles from the farm) had started a small school.  One of Fred's old teachers is helping with the school.
Mike handing out candy to the students.
The simplicity of the village classroom.
I took this picture because of the contrast of our vehicle to the village.  From this point we had to walk to Fred's farm.
The area is absolutely beautiful.  It is calm and quiet. There is no electricity or running water.
The first glimpse of the farm.  The neighbour's kids had to run to greet us!
 Most of the people in the local villages have to walk 2-3 miles to go to a local mill to get their maize ground.  Fred is planning to use this building as a mill so people do not have to travel the long distance to the mill.
The largest termite mound I have ever seen!!
Prior to Fred coming into the area, there was no local well water.  Fred told us he did not know where people were getting their water. 
Neighbouring kids carrying the water back to their parent's place.
The well water is not the best...it would make you and me very sick...but the the local neighbours are thankful for the fresh water.
 When Fred stays at his farm, life is simple.  This is his room where he sleeps and cooks.
The first of the banana crop growing.
His very first pineapple.
During the hot season, he has had to protect his green peppers from the hot sun.  These will be planted in about 2-3 weeks in other bedding plots.
One of the older pepper plants.  The ground is very dry and hard.  It poses a big challenge for Fred to not lose his plants to the elements.
Water is pumped to different cisterns to help water the plants in the different areas.  But the water table is very low, so it does not take long before the water in the well runs out and needs time to refill.
The neighbour lady had her third child 8 days before we came to visit.  No local hospital, just her mother-in-law to help.
Joshua and Fred taking some time to play-shooting hoops.

Two neighbour boys watching Joshua and Fred play basketball.  While they stand there with their toy-the tire.

We feel so blessed to have experience the beginning of Fred's dream.  He really wants to be able to reach out to the community and help them with the mill, water wells, and with crops.  He also brings medical and general health information when needed.  He gives God the glory for all he has accomplished.  It has not been easy, because people think he is crazy.  Young people want to move away from the villages and into town.  He wants to reach out to the neighbours-sharing Christ in the midst of voodoo beliefs.  Fred is an amazing young man.  May God bless the works of his hands!

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