Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Remember that nursery rhyme from when you were young..."Rain rain go away come again another day..."  When we first arrived at Appelsbosch in early September, there was a serve drought going on.  When we were living in LA a few years ago drought meant - only water your lawns every other day, try not to fill the pool every day, or wash your car every day-maybe just once a week, don't let the water run excessively, turn off the taps.  I think you get the general idea.  Drought here is a whole different meaning.  It means-animals die, people cannot wash clothing or cars, river beds are dry, it means no coffee at restaurants, crops cannot grow, it means there is very limited water-some places only had running water for 2 hours a day.

One thing we started doing as a crew, was pray for relief of the drought in the area.  A few weeks ago, we were talking with some friends who live near the game reserve .  They shared with us that the drought has come to an end-to the point where the river banks were overflowing!  End of drought means LOTS of rain.  With lots of rain we have had some marvelous thunder and lightening storms.  These pictures were taken a few weeks ago by one of our crew members. 

I just marvel at the power in these storms.  INCREDIBLE...Thanks Josh for the pictures.

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