Monday, July 11, 2011

"Randomness At Church..."

Church sometimes can be rather random and unpredictable.  A few Sunday's ago, the older children were brought to the front of the church and prayed over for the exams they were to take the next day.  To enter into the next year of school, you have to write an exam. 
The pastor was telling the children that the were to do well on their exams and not cheat.  Because their actions were a reflection upon the church and the community....hhhmmm.

Also, since the children had to travel to take the exams, the church did an offering for the transportation and for the food the children would need while they were away.  The church takes not only the education of their children very seriously but their basic needs...hhhmmm.
Mike praying over the offering for the children.
But during all this, I am trying very hard not to be distracted by this new "friend" that was sitting by me on the window....
I ended upon sharing my worries with the person sitting in front of me who assured me it would not bite and it was not poisonous...phew what a relief...I did squirm around when I saw him flick at the spider and it jumped to the ground.  Only later to find it by my feet, which made me squeal in the middle of the service.  The man in front of me turned around, chuckled, and "sent it far away"...  Needless to say, my mind was not focused on the sermon very well today!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite "randomness" at that church has to be the Christmas flags adorning the sanctuary. But then I wasn't privy to the very ominous-looking convert on the window :-)
