Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Through the Eyes of Youth..."

I love the way Carys (one of Alisia's friends) wrote about Africa...
Africa is my home. She is the sun-scorched deserts and the dripping rain forests, the mighty lion pouncing upon the zebra, the tribes that walk upon her rich, red soil, the palm trees growing strong and tall. The crowded, busy market places, where everything from oranges and mangos to jeans and microwaves are sold. This is Africa. Africa is the people sitting around the fire as the darkness of night closes in, She is the breaking of bones as the women carry their heavy loads high upon their heads, but not of spirit even though death steals so many. Africa is the bright colors and fabrics that blanket the land, she is the laughter of the scantily clothed children as they splash in the waves, She is family, and tradition, and a place of beauty, She is home. This is my Africa.

After years of living here, I have come to look past the poverty and corruption to see the beauty of this cultural land. Africa has forever left her mark on my heart.

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