Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today is Thursday...where has the week gone?  They all seem to be blending into one big blur.  But yet there are precious moments that stand out in each day.  Some are extremely obvious others you have to search through the chaos of the day to see...but it is there. 

Today I  went  to A ward to see if it would be okay to set up an activity for one of the crew members.  As I was standing waiting, Ali, turned to Aissa and said "I love you".

Let me tell you about Aissa.  She is a seven year old  "spit-fire".  She is full of energy and with a will that matches that energy level.  Aissa came to us from Cameroon.  She, nor her caregiver, speak any English or any of the local Togolese languages.  A physicians assistant (Sarah) who speaks a bit of their language,  has been caring for Aissa's noma for the last year, accompanied them to the ship. (A noma is a rapidly progressive opportunistic infection.  A noma can be caused by malnutrition or dehydration, poor oral hygiene, poor sanitation, unsafe drinking water, and other things.)  Basically the noma has eaten away at Aissa's cheak.  She has had a skin graft to repair the hole.

This "spit-fire" of a child gave me one of those precious moments that separated today from the others.  Aissa was on Jenn's back (another nurse), she leaned over Jenn's shoulder, into Ali's face and said "I luva you." "I luva you!"  "I luva you!"  This little girl who hardly speaks any english has learned the three most precious words in the language...and "we luva her" too!

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