Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I would like to share with you the story of Tigi. 

To be honest I don't really know much about her family life.  She has two older brothers, one who stayed on the ward with her, and two younger sisters, the youngest being 9 months old.  She lives at home with her mother and her father.  From what I understand her father drives a taxi for his job.  She has been going to school and wants to study accounting.  She is a very bright young lady...full of life and enthusiasm.  That is about all I know of her personal life.

What I want to share is the amazing events that brought her into Alisia and my life.  During the first screening at the stadium, the one that went terribly wrong, we had a few good things happen.  Meeting Tigi, for Alisia and me, was one of the good things.

I had just returned to the prayer station with news that things were not going well at the main gate and to get everyone to pray.  While I was standing there, a young girl (17) came up to me and said she wanted to be seen by one of the doctors.  I looked at her, and asked what did she want the doctors to see.  She showed me her left foot.  It was slightly curved under to the point where she was walking completely on the side and almost on the top of her foot.  I knew she had somehow got into the stadium and not through he main gate-avoiding the crowd.  The Spirit in my heart said:  "Send her on."  I asked a friend of mine to help her get to the main area and have a nurse look at her.  I continued on with my work, forgetting about her.

Closer to the screening area, Alisia was talking with some of her friends and the people waiting to be seen by the nurses.  Unknown to me, Alisia started talking with Tigi and keeping her company while she waited in the line. 

At one point, I had come to Alisia's area to check on her and Joshua.  Alisia wanted me to meet her new friend.  She introduced me to Tigi...we both smiled and laughed at how I had sent her on and Alisia, my daughter, was now keeping her company.

Unfortunately, shortly after that, the kids were evacuated and not long after that non-medical personal were evacuated from the stadium also.  As I got into one of the Land Rovers, I looked for Tigi, but did not see her.

The next day, I asked some of the medical personal if they had received a form for her to have surgery...no one knew anything about her.  Alisia and I prayed somehow she would have been seen.

Two weeks later, I was running down to the Admissions tent on the dock, to talk with someone and one of the nurses came over and said:  "That girl knows you."  I was stunned...there sat Tigi.  I gave her the biggest hug and told her how happy I was to see her and that Alisia and I had been praying she would be able to have surgery.

It was our honour and privilege to be able to support Tigi through her time on the ship.  Alisia and I would visit her almost daily.  Alisia would go with a friend and colour her cast different colours....just being her friend. 

We marvelle at the way God brought the three of us together.  How He took a time of chaos, at the stadium, and made something wonderful out of it.  Something wonderful in the form of a friendship with a young lady named Tigi.

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