Friday, May 27, 2011

"you might be on the africa mercy if…'

Okay, I am a bit desperate for a new I found this one from a friend of mine who just returned to the ship.  It is fun to see things from "fresh" eyes...thanks Sher for letting me "borrow" your blog!
  1. You are rationing your clothes because the laundry room has been closed. The main water supply to Freetown ruptured leaving most of Freetown without any running water. We have holding tanks so we do have some water, but we’re now on rationing.
  2. You can only flush the brown stuff. Sorry if that was too descriptive. (see #1)
  3. At 0500, you go down the hall to take a 2-minute cold shower. Not because you’ve heard it’s the way to stimulate your senses and get your day off to a healthy start, but because you are afraid if you don’t, tomorrow will be the day the Captain will say “NO showers.” (see #1)
  4. As you blog, you watch the sunset and listen to the call to prayer from the mosque.
  5. You have African food for dinner on Tuesdays.
  6. Your Internet connection is slower than a herd of turtles.
  7. You are greeted with “How d’ body?” You reply “D’ body fine.” (long o’s)
  8. All your co-workers speak English, but conversation can still, at times, be confusing. This topic deserves it’s own post at some point.
  9. You can’t sit up in your bed, and getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night is similar to an audition for Cirque du Soleil.
  10. You are baking for visiting dignitaries and you have no idea how many grams in a cup, what 160 on the oven temp means, what corn flour is or what a Belgian biscuit is supposed to look like.
  11. All your whites are now pinks. Prior to the NO laundry, you were allowed one load a week. Yep, that means everything in one load so I may not wash my jeans the entire time I’m here.
  12. You have a 54 step commute to your office.
  13. Your entire bedroom rocks you to sleep.
  14. At any moment you can be paged to report to the hospital immediately and give blood.
  15. Ghurkas from Nepal are standing guard at your front door.
  16.  You wonder if you go up to Deck 5 to the dining room to get a glass of water if anyone will notice that you’re in your pajamas. Because you’re dead tired and ready for bed when you realize you forgot to take your malaria medication.
  17.  You pay $1 for a Starbucks double-shot latté.
  18. And since I’m somewhat anal and feeling like it would finish this list off nicely (oh my gosh, I think I hear some influence from my Brit and Kiwi co-workers) if this list ended with an even number, if this is the view from your home.

1 comment:

  1. You are more than welcome! As I re-read this post, I can now think of some more choice items to add to the list :-) Miss everyone and can't wait to get back!
