Monday, August 3, 2009

"A Celebration of Sight"

Here is a wonderful story of a celebration of eye sight being restored by our Eye Care Team...I am trying to find a way to get some pictures posted...they are to come...

One month after having cataracts removed, eye patients return to the Hospitality Centre Eye Clinic for a procedure known as a YAG laser treatment. The laser, which is shone into the eye, creates a hole in the artificial lens that was implanted during the surgery. This procedure prevents a film-like layer from developing over the lens and impeding vision.

Once the YAG treatment is complete, patients join together for a time of singing, dancing, thanksgiving and testifying. It is a Celebration of Sight! Many of the patients were blinded for years by cataracts – and now they can see!

As the drums begin to beat, the excitement intensifies. Some spontaneously rise to their feet and move about rhythmically. Others simply remain seated, singing with their hands raised in the air in praise.

Eventually the music ends, and patients enter into a time of prayer. Some people stand up and testify of the problems they experienced when their vision was impaired.

“Before, when I went to the market to buy, people would take advantage of me and steal my money,” said one woman who had cataracts removed from both eyes. “Now that I can see again, I can take care of myself. I give thanks to God for Mercy Ships.”

Another man shakily got up from his seat. “I can read again!” he said excitedly. “Before, I was not even able to read my Bible. Praise God!”

Depending on the number of patients present, the celebrations sometimes last for more than an hour – as people express their joy in the miracle of restored sight, restored hope, and restored lives. Many of the ophthalmologists, their assistants, and other Mercy Ships crew members join in the festivities, singing and dancing with the patients.

“It’s rewarding to see the improvement in their vision,” said Woody Hopper, an optometrist who performs the YAG treatments, “but it’s more rewarding to see the improvement in their lives and that they’re giving glory to our God.” (written by someone in communications)

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