One of the things I have grown to love about the Africa kids, is the joy they have. You can see it in their smiles (when they do smile) and in the sparkle of their eyes. They have nothing, but that does not stop them from grinning ear to ear.
Then Sally and I went into the cargo hold, where they have all the outpatients waiting. We really were looking for some of the outpatients, but they did not show up. Somehow we unintentionally ended up dancing. Sally showed them how we dance in the west. (I was quite content at first to take pictures).
And they showed us how they dance in Africa. It's a bit blury because you move a lot...especially your shoulders and your hips. And you kind of wave your arms like a chicken. The people waiting laughed more at Sally and me (us Yovo's/white people) trying to dance African...our bodies just don't move that way! Yes, in the end I did give into peer pressure and attempt to dance. Fortunately there is no proof...sorry Sally =)
We had fun and laughed at ourselves and they laughed at us. Hey...we brought joy to some very downcast faces. Once again...the simple things in life bring joy.
I hadn't visited for a while, so glad I did. What a blessing to hear all that the Lord is doing in and through your lives.